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Top 10 Android Games Most Download Windows Application

By blogkikiberry - Monday, May 27, 2013

Top 10 Android Games Most Download Windows Application,

List of Top 10 Android Games Most Download Application

List of Top 10 Android Games Most Download Application

List of Top 10 Android Games Most Download Application

Fresh bunch of games that should please hardcore Gamer's and you casual folk alike. There’s been some stellar releases of the last month and with that comes stunning graphics, throwbacks to some classics and pure fun all round. Are you ready to get best android phone applications free download in the market today. Some gaming done this weekend? We hope so because with this list you should have the best games to play with whilst you put your feet up and get some much deserved rest! Read on to find out what made this month’s cut in a stellar block of games!

10. Contract Killer 2

 contract killer 2 photo

10. Contract Killer 2

Another title from Glu Mobile and a direct sequel to the first game, Contract Killer 2 is a lot of the same from the first game however, this isn’t a bad thing as there’s a lot to love about these games. The fun and accessible gameplay will have you playing for hours on end and thanks to the fact that it’s free to play, you can choose how to play it – dive in at the deep end or swim around in the shallow waters of contract killing. Another solid release from Glu and a game a great many of you will find enjoyable.

9. EA Theme Park

EA Theme Park top ten android application

EA Theme Park top ten android application

I think we all have fond memories of playing Theme Park Tycooon on the PC and with the news that it’s coming to Android next year, many of us will have a way to scratch that itch. Is this “freemium” version of a Theme Park creator from EA going to help fill in until next year? I doubt it but I’m sure you’ll have some fun thinking of a proper theme park game. The problem with EA’s Theme Park is just about the same problem with every other EA game: it’s all about the money, baby. Instead of trying to make a proper game for Android and selling it a decent price or using a normal free-to-play model they’ve created something that has glimpses of potential that ultimately is just asking for your wallet. I can see this being great fun for the younger audience however.

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8. Meganoid 2

top ten android  10  Meganoid 2

Top Ten Android  10  Meganoid 2

Play a platformer from the late 80s or early 90s then you’re either younger than we are or, you had a more active childhood. For those of you out there that did play those types of games you’ll surely remember how difficult they could be. A lot of games these days seem difficult but, I don’t think you truly know how difficult a game is until you try something like Metal Slug or the Mario games of old. With Meganoid 2 however, you can get a taste of what those games were like right on your Android phone. It’s a brilliant game and the artwork is really quite pleasing. If you want to see an 8-bit style game made in today’s world then this is one of your best bets.

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7. Sumioni Demon Arts

top ten android application sumioni demon arts

Top 10 7. Sumioni Demon Arts

This is a little different to what we’re normally used to seeing on the Play Store, or elsewhere for that matter, and it’s really nice to see something this unique coming to Android. The art inside this game is absolutely stunning and will have you oggling over it the entire time you’re playing. When it comes to gameplay, things start off promising but, soon the onscreen controls really begin to bog you down. The brush technique is a real nice touch and whilst it looks like a standard platformer, there’s a lot more to be seen here and with stunning graphics, this is one hell of a game. It’d be higher up in this list if it wasn’t so fucking expensive.

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6. Shadowgun: DeadZone

Top Ten Shadow:  Deadzone Android Appication

By now, we’ve all played the first Shadowgun game, right? No? Well then what are you doing here? One of the most popular shooters on Android went multiplayer this past month and released a public beta of the game. Something I thin is a genius idea as the only way you can test these things is by spreading it as far and wide as possible. With this latest from Madfinger you’ll be able to frag people on the move and make sure to show the rest of the world how freaking awesome you are. That’s not too much to say about the game, there are two game modes, Deathmatch and Zone Control, it’s basically multiplayer Shadowgun which is AWESOME.

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5. Zombiewood

top ten android application zombiewood

Top ten Android Application Zombiewood

Halloween may have come and gone but, these days, Zombies are for keeps. There’s no shame in wanting all Zombies all the time, honest. With Zombiewood from Gameloft, it’s another outing for the heavy trigger and weapon finger in the world of Zombie apocalypses. It’s also probably good practice for when the rising of the dead does happen. You’re put in the shoes of a Hollywood director who has to clear movie lot after movie lot of Zombies with a top down view for violence. It’s a fun game and as usual, it’s free to play.

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4. Royal Revolt

This is certainly a title that isn’t for everyone but, that doesn’t mean it isn’t a good one. Royal Revolt takes a new spin on strategy games and will have you conquering the kingdom in no time. There’s a lot to love, right from the stunning visuals to the fact that it’s packed full of charm. It takes some time to get used to the controls but, once you have done, it’s a whole lot of fun. Royal Revolt is going to be great for fans of League of Legends and games like it, it’s also one of the few games you could safely play with the little ones.

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3. Zombie Driver

top ten android application zombie driver

Top ten Android Application zombie driver

MOAR ZOMBIES! That’s right, more zombies but, bear with me, okay? If you’re ever played Carmageddon then this game will be perfect for you. It’s like that but, it has a loose story line and the levels are a brilliant mix of speed, carnage and explosives. Just what you need to relax over the course of a weekend, right? There are some stunning graphics here and while it did start off as a Tegra Zone exclusive it’s now available to all in the Play Store. It is a little pricey but, it’s certainly worth the money and if you’re a fan of high-paced action you won’t be disappointed.

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2. Chrono Trigger

 top ten android application chrono trigger

Top Ten Android Application Chrono Trigger 

I’m not going to lie to any of you, I absolutely love this game and I have done ever since I first set eyes on it and then played through it a dozen times through a janky emulator on a Windows 2000 machine at my Dad’s work. That’s right, this SNES game was released right in the middle of the 90s and was one of the few JRPGs that got a look on the console besides the odd Final Fantasy game. If you’re looking for something a little more substantial to play then Square Enix has you covered with a port for Android. It’s pretty expensive but, it’s certainly worth the money and will keep you entertained for hours. With visuals from the man behind Dragon Quest and Dragonball, Akira Toriyama, no matter how old the game gets, it still looks stunning.

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1. Need for Speed Most Wanted

Top One Android Application Need for Speed Most Wanted 

Screeching wheels and shiny cars are back in EA’s latest and, hopefully, greatest Need for Speed yet. Most Wanted is a game that we’ve been watching gear up for release for some time and now that it’s finally here you can all get your drive on and see how it handles. With stunning graphics and a brilliant selection of cars, this is well worth a purchase. This isn’t going to replace the version on you Xbox or PS3 but, every year it comes closer and closer, graphics are almost realistic here and as long as you have a fairly recent device, you’ll get decent frame rates as well. Once again, EA bring us a stunning racing game to take with us anywhere and that can only be a good thing. Enjoy, and let us know how you get on with any of these games in the comments below!

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2 comments for "Top 10 Android Games Most Download Windows Application"

  1. Interesting games.My most favorite Android game is Temple Run2 and Angry birds. To day Smartphone users have increased in tons all because of due to the availability of many apps. Android and iOS are the two major platforms used by all. Apple - one of the best mobile application development companies is going to release iOS 7 soon.

  2. great to know your most interesting ones, mine is check it

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